Po-Yao (Cosmos) Wang

(+886)983-282-343 • poyao.cosmos.wang@gmail.com

Github: PoYaoCosmosWang

Research Interest

Human-Computer Interaction, Mixed Reality, Perception, Game, Dream, Illusion, Haptics


PhD in Information TechnologyMelbourne, Australia

Exertion Games Lab, Monash UniversityFeb. 2023 – Present

  • Thesis: LuciReality: Towards Understanding the design of lucid dream faciliation
  • Supervisor: Floyd Mueller and Nathan Semertzidis
  • Master of Computer Science and Information EngineeringTaipei, Taiwan

    National Taiwan UniversitySept. 2019 – Jul. 2021

  • GPA: 4.08 / 4.3
  • Advisor: Lung-Pan Cheng
  • Bachelor of Computer Science (Program of Computer and Electrical Engineering)Hsinchu, Taiwan

    National Chiao Tung UniversitySept. 2015 – Jul. 2019

  • GPA: 4.23 / 4.3
  • Advisor: Li-Wei Chan
  • Publication

    1. LuciEntry: A Modular Lab-Based Lucid Dreaming Induction Prototype | CHI'24 LBW, CHI'24 Video Showcase

      Po-Yao (Cosmos) Wang*, Nathaniel Yung Xiang Lee*, Rohit Rajesh, Antony Smith Loose, Nathan Semertzidis, Florian ‘Floyd’ Mueller
      • LuciEntry is a lb-based prototype that simplifies lucid dream research through its autonomous and modualr design.
    2. LucEntry HOME: An Anywhere Lucid Dreaming Induction Prototype | CHI'24 Video Showcase

      Po-Yao (Cosmos) Wang*, Nathaniel Yung Xiang Lee*, Rohit Rajesh, Antony Smith Loose, Nathan Semertzidis, Florian ‘Floyd’ Mueller
      • LuciEntry HOME is a portable lucid dream induction prototype that facilitates home-based lucid dreaming and simplifies dream research.
    3. DreamCeption: Towards Understanding the Design of Targeted Lucid Dream Mediation | CHI'24 Video Showcase

      Po-Yao (Cosmos) Wang*, Rohit Rajesh, Nathaniel Yung Xiang Lee, Antony Smith Loose, Nathalie Overdevest, Nathan Semertzidis, Florian ‘Floyd’ Mueller
      • DreamCeption is a prototype designed to help users shape their lucid dreams using external stimuli.
    4. Game Illusionization: A workflow to apply optical illusions to video games | UIST’21

      Po-Yao (Cosmos) Wang, Cong-He Xu,Ping-Yi Wang, Hsin-Yu Huang, Yu-Wei Chang, Jen-Hao Cheng, Yu-Hsin Lin, Lung-Pan Cheng
      • We propose a workflow for game designers to integrate optical illusions to their games with our illusion database and editing interfaces.
    5. Impossible Staircase: Vertical Real Walking in an Infinite Virtual Tower | IEEEVR 2021

      Jen-Hao Cheng, Yi Chen, Ting-Yi Chang, Hsu-En Lin, Po-Yao (Cosmos) Wang, Lung-Pan Cheng
      • I built one demo scene with Unity in this project.
    6. Haptic-go-round: A Surrounding Platform for Encounter-type Haptics | CHI’20

      Hsin-Yu Huang, Chih-Wei Ning, Po-Yao (Cosmos) Wang, Jen-Hao Cheng, Lung-Pan Cheng
      • I built all demo scenes with Unity and the software interface for designers in this project.

    Honors and Awards

    Bachelor scholarship funded by MOSTHsinchu, Taiwan

    Scholarship for independent study funded by Ministry of Science and Technology in TaiwanSept. 2018 – Jan. 2019

    Zhu Shun Yi He Qin ScholarshipHsinchu, Taiwan

    4000 dollars scholarship for top 1% of students at National Chiao Tung UniversityJun. 2018

    Dean’s ListHsinchu, Taiwan

    Recognition for 5% of students in academics at National Chiao Tung UniversitySept. 2015 – Jun. 2018

    Core Subject ScholarshipHsinchu, Taiwan

    Awarded by Department of Computer Science, National Chiao Tung University for Discrete Math and Data Structures.Jan. 2016 – Jan. 2017

    1st prize of smart life group in 2016HackNTU Taipei, Taiwan

    Awarded the 1st prize of smart life group in 2016 National Taiwan University HackathonAug. 2016

    Intern & TA Experience

    Teaching Assistant for Introduction to PythonTaipei,, Taiwan

    National Taiwan UniversityOct. 2020 – Dec. 2020

    Social Casino InternTaichung, Taiwan

    XIANG SHANG GAMES international Co., Ltd.July 2018 – Aug. 2018

  • Tested and Debugged for Bravo Casino
  • Teaching Assistant for Linear AlgebraHsinchu, Taiwan

    National Chiao Tung UniversityJuly 2016 – Aug. 2016

  • Taught for 2 chapters (6 chapters total)
  • Being TA as a freshman
  • Academic Activities

    Hosted Pre-CHI’22 for participants of CHI’22Virtual

    Pre-CHI is a cross-school event for Taiwanese students to get feedback before CHI’s submission Aug. 2021

    Hosted TAICHI X UIST session 1: UIST Community in TAIWANVirtual

    An event to introduce UIST for Taiwanese. Sept. 2021

    TAICHI is a local conference for Human-Computer Interaction in Taiwan

    Exchange student at the University of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignChampaign, IL, United States

    Jan. 2019 – May 2019


    ProgrammingC#, Unity, C/C++, Python (Pytorch, Scipy), JavaScripts